Heilige Maag* is an edible journey through the old collection and cloister garden of Centraal museum, Utrecht.

Wietske was invited to inspire and develop the first series of events in 2011 for the new children’s museum within Utrecht’s main art museum. Two young curators, Laila and Vera, translated Wietske’s ideas into the Groene vingers Kinderwerkplaats (Kids’ Green thumb workspace).

Get to know the museum collection by eating it. Children can chomp their way through some of the most prominent vegetation seen within the museum collection.

The plants symbolised in the paintings of the Holy virgin as well as the museum’s rich collection of 17th century still lives have been cultivated in the museum’s former convent garden.

A special route has been drawn through the museum for children to trace back the species grown in the garden and that which they have tasted. Rose, tulip, violets, lavender, marigold, poppy, wild fennel, celery, nastrium, daisies and even grasshoppers, frogs and snails will be eaten at designated moments throughout the year.

The opening fest took place on 29 of April 2011 where several plants and insects of the 17th century paintings were crafted into several dishes in cooperation with artist-gastronomer Henri Roquas.

*Heilige maag translates as Holy stomach instead of Heilige Maagd meaning Holy virgin

Heilige maag Groene Vingers Menu (pdf)