an Architecture of Interaction

Publication coordinated and edited by Wietske Maas with text contributions by Yvonne Droge Wendel, Lino Hellings, Klaas Kuitenbrouwer, Anna Best and Mine Kaylan

Photographs: Lino Hellings, Nienke Terpsma

Drawings: Nikolaus Gansterer

Models: Klaas Kuitenbrouwer

Graphic design: Nienke Terpsma

Supported by Mondriaan Foundation, Fonds BKVB, Chisenhale, Delfina Studio Trust, Veemvloer & Gasworks

The interest and use of interactive methodologies continues to grow among artists, curators and funders. Yet, each artistic discipline and even each individual artist uses an independent language for describing interactive works. There is currently no commonality between these languages.

an Architecture of Interaction [project blog] is by a group of five artists and theorists who’ve set out to develop a communicatory toolbox that can be useful to talk about and compare the processes, meanings and effects of interactive work, especially the parts of interactive work where no outcomes or precise outlines can be defined.

an Architecture of Interaction really came from a desire to connect vocabularies, to develop a more sophisticated discourse and to share the eclectic and hidden ideas and processes involved in interactive works from various disciplines from theatre, music, dance, film, visual arts, performance to new media. The main idea is to make interactive working methods more tangible and discussable first of all between other artists from very different backgrounds, but the project also gives a resourceful insight into the tricky zones of interactivity for critics, curators, commissioners and interested audiences.

The book can be bought at the following bookshops, Athenaeum bookshop Amsterdam, ICA bookshop London and Pro Qm Buchhandel Berlin.

You can also order the book by  sending a postal order request to: (postage charge applies).